Friday, October 23, 2015

Student Success Statement 

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." 

I think that this quote is trying to say that its better to have a good name for your self rather than to be rich. In my opinion i would like to have both because it is possible to have both you just need to make sure that your are getting the money from and actual job. But then again i think to myself i would rather have a good name than to be rich because lets face it when we die all that money isn't going to be buried with you and if you have a good name for yourself you know that you had to leave but you were okay with that because you know and other people know you has a good person not just some rich stubborn person. Even though everyone would love to have a lot of money so they can have what ever they want but having all that money can also change you either for the better or for the worst, but it all depends on how and what you do with the money because who knows maybe some day you can have both a good name and all the great riches you want.  

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